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Category: Life Insurance

How Will My Beneficiary Collect My Life Insurance Money?

How Will My Beneficiary Collect My Life Insurance Money?

When you purchase life insurance, you pay the premiums for years or decades, and your beneficiaries collect the benefits when you pass away. It is important to tell your beneficiaries about the policy so they file a claim with the insurance company after your death. How Are Death Benefits Collected? Life insurance benefits are typically paid out when the insured person has died and the...

What To Expect When You First Sign Up For Life Insurance

What To Expect When You First Sign Up For Life Insurance

Buying life insurance for the first time can be a bit confusing, but our agency is available to help you through the process. Here we have outlined the steps you will need to take to purchase a life insurance policy. Learn the Lingo Half the battle is knowing the life insurance terminology. Use a good glossary to get a full understanding of terms such as:...

February is Insure Your Love Month

We had a great time during our weekly Facebook Live today. We had the pups join us to help us remember that the ones we love are most important. For that reason and more, we want to talk about life insurance again this week as the month of February, "Insure Your Love Month," comes to a close. In recent years, Crowdfunding has become more of...

Finn and Q join us for Facebook Live!

Finn and Q join us for Facebook Live!

The pups couldn't stand not being part of the attention! They decided to make an appearance on our Facebook Live episode this week! You can watch for your daily dose of cuteness! Plus, we talk about a few insurance matters such as cyber and data breach insurance. A little fun mixed in with the serious for today!

Happy Labor Day! Whether you are on the water, or on the road, we have a few things to think about!

Happy Labor Day! Whether you are on the water, or on the road, we have a few things to think about!

Labor Day weekend is a great holiday to spend traveling or enjoying water sports! As always, here at DeBerry Insurance, we like to help everyone keep safety top of mind! Today, we have a few reminders for traffic safety. Also, we want to continue providing information about life insurance. Although it can be a difficult topic to discuss, it is incredibly important for you and...