Our new Customer of the Month is...
Posted: September 15, 2021
Each month we draw from among the names of our new customers to select a winner. This month's winner will receive a gift card to Fozzys Bar and Grill in Spring Hill! We will also celebrate them with signs in their yard from Sign Gypsies of South Williamson County. These are our gifts to our winners to help them know how much we appreciate them...
Buying Life Insurance for the First Time? Then Read These 8 Tips
Posted: September 8, 2021
Maybe you just got married. Or had your first child. Or started a business. Whatever the life event is, you are now buying life insurance for the first time. And that might intimidate and confuse you a little. Help ease your mind by reading the following advice for anyone who is buying life insurance for the first time. Understand who (or what) you’re protecting Major...
3 Types of Living Benefits for Life Insurance
Posted: September 7, 2021
Life insurance is mainly designed to pay out death benefits to beneficiaries. But some life insurance policies also provide living benefits for policyholders. The following are three types of life insurance living benefits. Accelerated Death Benefits Most life insurance policies contain a provision known as Accelerated Death Benefit (ADB). It allows the policyholder to receive a portion of the life insurance money while he or...
Does Your Life Insurance Policy Offer This Surprising Benefit?
Posted: September 1, 2021
Just six months after retiring from 32 years on the Richmond, Virginia, Fire Department, Len Archer got a devastating diagnosis from his doctor. He had pancreatic cancer, and he likely had only two to eight months to live. In an instant, Len, 56, and his wife, Paula, went from planning their retirement to preparing for what appeared to be the inevitable. At the urging of...
Starting a Family? Consider These Types of Life Insurance
Posted: August 22, 2021
When you have children, it is more important than ever to have life insurance. You want to provide for them in case something should happen to you. Death benefits from a life insurance policy could cover the mortgage payments, pay for your child’s college education, and help support your family. What Are the Different Types of Life Insurance? The two main types of life insurance...